
Business Tips

  • What mistakes do candidates make on their CV?
    One survey of employers found the following mistakes were most common
  1. Spelling and grammar 56%
  2. Not tailored to the job 21%
  3. Length not right & poor work history 16%
  4. Poor format and no use of bullets 11%
  5. No accomplishments 9%
  6. Contact & email problems 8%
  7. Objective/profile was too vague 5%
  8. Lying 2%
  9. Having a photo 1%
    So then, Start right, End right

  •  How To Nail Your Interview
    Truth be told, not everyone approaches an interview with the same mindset. Whether you are interviewing for an internship or a permanent senior position, you should approach the interview with the same level of readiness (physically and mentally) and sincerity.
  • Do I Have To Go Back To School To Better My Grades And Qualifications?
    The trend of our generations calls for any means of advancement on all systems, and humans inclusive. The urgency of the moment will determine the direction you need to take and the kind of knowledge applicable your dream job
  • I’ve Got The Talent, The Skill; What Else Do employers Need From Me?
    Prove it. What have you done with your talent, your skill, your intellect? What have you achieved in a long term of being unemployed- be it big or small? Just your words will not be able to push a feather of impressing your employer. So prove it.
  • The Paycheck For This Job Is Not Worth My Qualifications.
    Request for an increase. If denied, start looking for other job opportunities.
  • How to Get your dream Job
    Develop the right mental attitude for the job you dream of, take classes and courses to be knowledgeable enough to take the job, act like you’ve got the job. Now go for it. Search.
  • What should be my Attitudes at work?
    Its simple however, you must suffer the pain of being principled than to regret for your adverse actions which may cost you the job. Develop these attitudes at an early stage so it sticks with you.




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We provide Quality HR Services and Management Consultancy to businesses. Providing services in a manner that will ensures sustainable growth and profitability.

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